Friday, March 15, 2013

Islamic Banking?

Is it a nice play of money makers with Shariah and Law? Perhaps, Bani-Israel are left behind!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. conversion of a completely prohibited system in to an Islamic system may needs time, Making it fully Islamic at once may not be possible. let it grow.

  3. Alternative of conventional banking system based on Mudaraba,Musharaka & Ijara system

  4. The confusion and negative mindset of the people is the biggest impediment towards the expansion of Islamic Banking industry in the country.

    The scholars and educational institutions should contribute towards modifying the mindset of people towards adoption of Islamic banking services.

  5. Debt has always been discouraged by the law, it is only allowed for the welfare of the people on the basis of analogy and analogy cannot be used for making new laws, I guess.
